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Based on the direction from the Chief Medical Officer of Health and the Ministry of LTC, the following masking measures for LTC are being re-introduced.  

• All staff, students, support workers, and volunteers are required to wear a mask when in resident areas indoors, and

• It is strongly recommended that all visitors and caregivers wear a mask in resident areas indoors, except when eating or drinking.

Recent trends have shown a moderate to high level of community transmission of COVID-19 and an increase in COVID-19 outbreaks in long-term care homes, with an increased risk of hospitalization amongst residents. It is projected that COVID-19 activity may peak in the next few weeks, around the same time it is anticipated that influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) will rise.

Masks will be available to you upon entrance to the building at the sign-in table.  

Best regards,
John Peneycad